The Library

Friends. It's time to explore. Feel free to peruse my various works. Choose from TV Specs, TV Pilots, Novels, Films, or some more experimental works in progress below.       

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TV Specs

Wanna see a dead body? Okay. Not really. But you can check out some dead scripts. These are the specs that I've written over the years to apply for various fellowships.  

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TV Pilots

STAFF ME, STAFF ME, STAFF ME. You know you wanna. You can find samples here. Or heck, if you're in a buying mood... 

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My books are very much alive and on sale at various outlets. Explore the current catalog here.

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As you've likely figured out, my work has been primarily focused in TV. However, I've written a feature-length film or two. Most are under contract. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they go into production. 

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Here's where you'll discover my latest obsession. Come on in. If you dare... 

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